Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My HOT Twin!

As all know, my TWIN has been dieting and looks great. She has lost, all those annoying little 'hangover pounds' from having 3 baby's within 3 years! Yes, that's what I typed, no typo. It's taken a while, but she did it and LOOKS HOT. I bet clif if running home everynight! Casey, I am so proud of you. I know how hard it is to lose weight, and it seems baby weight is the hardest. Good JOB. I would recommend a padded bra/ swim suit, I know in the past this never was an issue with you........but welcome to my world. LOL. Once you lose them, they don't come back. LOL


Casey said...

Awww you brought tears to my eyes! I am speechless...which is never a problem with me either! lol

I do need to get a padded bra and suit. Clif was just talking about this the other day! He said they arent what they were! lol *rolling eyes*

Casey said...

But to clear thing up, I have had 4 kids! Just saying ;)

Cassie said...

ya i know, but saying 3 kids in 3 years, vs, saying 4 kids in 10 years and all in reguards to weight loss just sounded better...of course I know-silly. Good thing we are the only ones that read this! LOL

Casey said...

LOL..Amber does too! ;)

Cassie said...

Amber doesn't count, she's family ;) she knows were silly, it's all genetics...